Sacred Heart Cathedral calls upon all parents, as the primary catechists of their children, to take an active role in your family's faith formation. You help to fulfill this role by:
Religious Education Classes offered for this year:
Pre - Communion for Age 6
First Communion for Age 7
Perseverance for Ages 8 - 12
*(Class for those who have not received Baptism and have at least reached their 7th birthday)
Youth 13 and older can be registered for Pre Confirmation or Confirmation by following the link below
Please register at the bottom of this page! Registration fees of $30/family can be made online or in person.
Thank you for being a part of Sacred Heart Cathedral and allowing us to help your family grow in their faith formation!
God Bless!
The Eucharist is the memorial of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus; it is the Paschal Mystery, both a sacrifice and a meal. Christ instituted the Holy Eucharist at the Last Supper.
For 1st Eucharist (Communion), it is necessary that the child be able to understand the Eucharist in not ordinary bread and wine but the body and blood of Christ.
The Eucharist is the memorial of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus; it is the Paschal Mystery, both a sacrifice and a meal. Christ instituted the Holy Eucharist at the Last Supper.
For 1st Eucharist (Communion), it is necessary that the child be able to understand the Eucharist in not ordinary bread and wine but the body and blood of Christ.
Responsibility of Parents:
“Children’s preparation for first reception of the Eucharist begins in the home. The family has the most important role in communicating the Christian and human values that form the foundation for a child’s understanding of the Eucharist. Children who participate with their family in the Mass experience the Eucharistic mystery in an initial way and gradually learn to join with the liturgical assembly in prayer.” (National Directory for Catechesis no.36A, 3a.)
Requirements for the reception of 1st Eucharist (Communion):
First Eucharist is generally celebrated during the Easter season and usually occurs at the second grade level. Parish policy requires a year's preparation for this sacrament and the Church requires the reception of First Reconciliation before the reception of First Eucharist. If you would like more information, please contact the Parish Religious Education Coordinator, Mother Salvation.
Children who have not been in regular religious education may require a Pre-Communion Class. In addition to attending the Oratory and Pre-communion Class, parents should help their children learn prayers and attending Mass consistently.