We come into contact with the Psalms every week in the liturgy. This collection of 150 hymns are the bedrock of Wisdom literature and the key to living out a life of prayer. The reason why the Psalms play such a central role in the Liturgy of the Word is that Jesus's story cannot be understood without them. "The Lord is my Shepherd." "The Stone which the builders rejected has become the Cornerstone." "My God, My God, oh why have you abandoned me?" In the songs of God's people, we see triumph and tragedy, praise and lamentation, the exuberance of Grace and the desolation of sin. The entire range of human experience and struggle show that God's Word is no stale collection of laws and precepts but a living dialogue between God and his people. It is for this reason the Office of Faith and Family Formation will be starting a Bible Study on Monday, October 28th at 6:30pm!